1200 Calorie Meal Plan

1200 Calorie Meal Plan

If you are looking for a 1200 calorie meal plan you are in the right place. If you are ready to make a change in your life your in the right place. Obesity is a common disease that is not confined to just one part of a country, but the whole world. Most of the people are careless in what they eat and when they eat. As a result, they gain weight and become extremely unhealthy. And what is worse, they are not even bothered by it until they have health problems. The human body can only function properly if it is in good shape. Good shape requires exercises and a good diet. A good combination of both results in what we call a healthy and fit person.

Obese people who need to lose some weight must focus on both, their workout and their diet. A good diet contains a balance of every nutrient. The most important nutrients that the human body needs are proteins, carbohydrates and fats. The increases quantity of carbohydrates and fats in the meal can lead to fat accumulations in the body. A good amount of protein, however, goes against the effects of carbohydrates and fats. Proteins helps in building muscle instead of fat. While following a meal plan, you won’t want to lose your muscle. You only need to lose fat from your body. A diet with low carbs and fats while having a handsome amount of protein can help in losing fat and retaining muscles.

A calorie calculator helps a great deal in assisting through the process of dieting. Calculating the required amount of calories for some particular weight, you can easily maintain your diet. A 1200 calorie meal plan may be perfect for people who need to lose weight. The tricky part in dieting is that a larger number of smaller meals will help in losing fat more efficiently. Here are some carefully chosen and calculated meals which sum up to the figure of about 1200 calories and are delicious enough to satisfy your hunger, too once you get used to it.

1200 Calorie Meal Plan


1 whole egg

3 egg whites and oatmeal

240 Calories

23 grams of proteins

19 carbs

7 grams of fat

This is a great low fat breakfast

One whole egg contains 80 calories, 7 units of proteins, 0 units of carbs and 5 units of fat. 3 egg whites contain 60 calories, 12 units of proteins, 0 carbs and 0 units of fat. Oatmeal contains 100 calories, 4 units of protein, 19 units of Carbs and 2 units of fat. This meal will give you a total of 240 calories, 23 units of proteins, 19 units of carbs and 7 units of fat.


Scoop of protein powder something that has around 25 grams of protein

1 medium size banana

around 231 calories depending on protein powder you use

Protein will depend on the protein powder you use

Around 2 g of fat depending on protein powder


1 Medium Size Chicken Breast

½ serving of brown rice

251 calories

26 g of protein


1 can of low sodium Tuna

½ cups of almonds

around 251 calories

around 26 grams of protein


Medium size grilled Salmon one of my favorites

1 cup of mixed veggies

small salad low fat dressing

Depending on the dressing and veggies you use  but this meal should be around 282 calories and high in protein.

Combining all of the above meals, the total calorie count will be 1200. All of these meals are perfectly designed to cater to the needs of people with different tastes. Any person who follows this plan with consistency is bound to get results. So gear up and start eating healthy.

*results may vary

*before you start any new workout routine or new diet you should consult your doctor first.

Invest in your health without your health you have nothing.

BodyBuilding By John

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